From your end, you appear to be using a Flash-based website as normal. Technically, rather than running Flash on your iPad or iPhone, Puffin runs websites that use Flash on a remote server and streams you the video.
Browsers such as the Puffin Web Browser comes with out-of-box support for Adobe Flash. Other browsers like Photon also offer this feature, but we recommend Puffin because it’s highly rated and free. If you need to access an Adobe Flash site on your iPhone or iPad, you have several third-party options.
RELATED: How to Install and Update Flash on Your Mac How to Use Adobe Flash on iPhone and iPad The biggest reason, though, was that Flash just did not work well with touchscreens. He also pointed out the issues with security, reliability, and performance. Jobs had a couple of arguments: Adobe Flash was not an open platform the open H.264 video format was much better at delivering video than Flash and when it came to games, there was the App Store.